The coming evangelical collapse |


The coming evangelical collapse |

Can’t come soon enough!

Agence Global – Article


Agence Global – Article.

Change comes though no one desires it, and though few predicted its path.

It’s Always Hysteria with Some People


The economy is bad, but in no way comparable to the Great Depression. Think 1974 or ’82. Though I respect Mr Obama, I do not support the current policy on helping the economy. It is money-centric games. We need to fight deflation, true. But this current imbroglio is a phenomenom of money and not actual productivity. People need jobs, housing, food. Get that in order, regulate phoney baloney financial manipulation, and that fixes most of our troubles. Careening from one financial scheme to another is no way to fix the economy.

DNC Blasts Boehner For Claiming GOP No Longer Plans To Legislate


The GOP doesn’t deserve the attention it gets. But the Media turn everything into a horse race. The GOP are counter productive lunatic traitors to our country. A pox on them!
More on Video
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Primer on the Subrime Meltdown




In the interests of accuracy and in order to reduce double talk I’d like to suggest we stop the equivocation around the word Christian. Let’s use Christian to describe someone who follows the doctrines of a mainstream sect of Christianity. And let’s call the Religious Right political nut jobs Christianists. Calling them Christians brings disrepute on the faith of many decent people. The suffix ism clearly separates religion from the politics of nutters, traitors and fools.

Republican Hypocrisy and Lunacy


Bill Gallagher is a terrific writer with a reality based view. Check out his column here.

Lets Do Nothing and See What Happens


In politics words are used to confuse and persuade all too often. Arguemnts take the form of equivocations and false logic. An example is the politician’s syllogism, also known as the politician’s fallacy is a (falsely) logical argument of the form:

We must do something
This is something
Therefore, we must do this.

Oh man, do we choke on this all the time or what?

Immigration vs. Colonization


Here is an interesting article that addresses the differences America and Europe finds with its Muslim residents.

Open Letter to the Republican Traitors (From a Former Republican)


Traitors indeed! What we need now is a list of proscribed persons, starting with Rush the lying, ignorant traitor and junkie.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Recession on track to be longest in postwar period


The media are essentially disinformative. They inherently exclude the complex and tedious, and turn everything into a horse race.
More on The Recession
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Dollar Hegemony Imperilled


America, albeit not all Americans, have benefited from the Dollar as the world reserve currency. The organizational structures and peace that follwed WW2 by definition favored the US. That other nations benefited too, is indisputable yet we benefited most: and many nations suffered under that regime. It may be past time that the post WW2 system can be saved, if that is the case, it is a certainty that it is all the US;s own fault. More and more people and politicians are becoming aware and interested in a solution to the situation. Here is an article in that regard. Suffice to say that military adventurism, and a complete lack of fiscal prudence over a long time brought us here. And lets not blame Keynes, who like Adam Smith and many other thinkers had their theories and writings reduced to some flippant maxim.